Thursday, February 6, 2020

3 Ideas You Must Reject If You Want to Grow

Growth requires change. And it also requires doing some things that aren't comfortable. We all have thought-patterns and beliefs that contribute to our progress or lack of progress. That's why it's so important to challenge any beliefs that might be standing in your way. Get uncomfortable by choosing some new habits of mind!

Here are 3 Ideas You Must Reject If You Want To Grow

1. Reject Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

Be careful of deciding that you're just not the type of person that could ever be good at a certain thing. Those limits may hold you back in ways you can't even imagine.

"I'm not creative."

"I'm not good with technology."

"I'm not athletic."

"I'm not organized."

"I don't have much energy."

"I'm not good at classroom management."

Reject these beliefs. Or whatever limiting beliefs you might have. They don't serve you well. Open yourself up to new possibilities. Take small steps to expand yourself. You have unknown and unlimited capacity. 

But these things are true, you say. No! These things are beliefs, not truths.

When you notice your limiting beliefs invading, reject them immediately...

"I'm experimenting with my creativity."

"I'm learning new things about technology every day."

"I'm getting more fit with each workout."

"I'm trying some new organization strategies."

"I have boundless energy."

"I set boundaries in my classroom, and I stick to them."

Read More: 4 Steps to Release Limiting Beliefs from Psychology Today

2. Reject the Idea That Experience Makes You Great

Some people believe the key to improving is just having more experience. But various studies have shown that experience doesn't necessarily correlate to greater knowledge or skills or improved performance.

Many people get to a certain level of effectiveness, often a minimum acceptable level, and become content to just stay there. They hit cruise control. As a result, their performance in the 10th year in the profession isn't much different than their performance in the 3rd year. They are doing the same things over and over like the entire town in the movie Groundhog Day!

The only way experience actually makes you better is through feedback, reflection, and adaptability. You must have a process for learning and action. 

Experience can be an excellent laboratory for growth, but only if you are using your experience to inform your efforts to build your own knowledge, skills, and other positive characteristics.

Read More: Experience Doesn't Predict a New Hires Success from Harvard Business Review

3. Reject the Notion That Trying Harder Is Enough

I've known many educators who are stressed out, burnt out, and maxed out because they keep trying to do more and more. They feel stuck. They feel like things aren't working, and the way they respond is to work even harder, to spend more time doing the same things.

And that type of determination is admirable to me. These educators are committed professionals who care so much about kids and learning they are willing to do whatever it takes. 

But it's not healthy.

And in the end, it's not effective. If you burn the candle at both ends for too long, eventually you're just melted wax.

A better approach is to work smarter, not harder. 

Instead of trying to do more, develop a process that helps you be more. Take care of yourself. Be healthy. Feed your mind and renew your energy every day.

Rather than spending more time with the same old methods you've always used, take some time to develop new knowledge and skills. What got you here, won't get you to the next level. 

Nothing's gonna change if nothing changes.

Be willing to try different approaches that might work more efficiently. Instead of trying to do more, try something different. That's where your creativity, your problem solving, and your innovation come into play.

Read More:

The Importance of Daily Renewal for Educators

When Trying Harder Doesn't Help from LeadershipFreak

What's your experience with overcoming mindsets that aren't helpful to your progress? I'm interested to hear from you. Leave a comment below or respond on Facebook or Twitter.

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