Contact Me

Do you have a question for me or want me to speak at your next event?

You can contact me by sending an email to with the subject, "@DavidGeurin Blog Contact.”

You can also contact me on Twitter @DavidGeurin. I tweet daily and always check to see if anyone has any questions. I will respond to your message as quickly as possible.

1 comment:

  1. I lucked up on your website by googling "Isn't it your job?"

    I'm in IT training and support. I just watched the following "Ask Leo!" video which talks about how most software is often too hard for most people.
    The Plight of the Average User -

    I can attest that even after IT training, which includes hand's on practice along with job aids, and 1-2 minute videos, people still call the help desk for things one would think they would know. I'm not talking about fixing the computer or recovering from malware. I'm talking about rebooting (and watching them turn the monitor off).

    During the course of their work, if the project is a success, then it's:
    "I did it."

    If the results are less than optimal, it's:
    "But that's what they told me to do."
    - or -
    "Nobody told me."

    Sadly, this mindset continues throughout some people's careers.

    Glad I found your site. I see TONS of wonderful content I can't wait to read!
