I continue to enjoy learning from you all and appreciate your connection with my blog throughout 2018. I'm inspired by the incredible community of educators who are so deeply committed to preparing students for the future.
That's really the message of my book, Future Driven. Today's schools can't afford to be time capsules, preparing students for a world that no longer exists. They must be time machines, preparing students for the future, preparing them to be adaptable, continuous learners.
Our world is changing faster than ever, and schools can't afford to stay the same.
This past year I continued to share thoughts here at the blog along those lines. Like you, I'm seeking ways to leverage my learning to help provide better learning for students.
Here are a few of the ideas that seemed to resonate the strongest with readers. The top 10 for 2018...
1. 5 Tips for Building Great Relationships with Students
5 Tips for Building Great Relationships with Students
Relationships are essential to learning. Kids connect more to learning when they feel more connection to their teacher. A great classroom environment begins by building great relationships. So how do you build great relationships with your students? Here are 5 tips I promise will make your relationships stronger.
2. Why Do Some Educators Burn Out While Others Seem to Grow More Passionate
3. 5 Questions Every Kid Is Trying to AnswerWhy Do Some Educators Burn Out While Others Seem to Grow More Passionate?
I'm really interested in know where passion comes from. And that's because I can't think of a single passionate educator who doesn't make a greater impact for kids. And on the other hand, I can't think of a single educator who seems burned out who can still be their very best for kids.
4. What's Your Priority? Passion or Proficiency5 Questions Every Kid Is Trying to Answer
When we think about creating a stronger school culture, we know how important it is to focus on relationships. But why are relationships such an important part of an outstanding learning environment? It seems clear when you think about it. Everyone needs to feel connected. Everyone needs to feel like he or she matters.
5. 20 Ways to Be Future Driven in Your ClassroomWhat's Your Priority? Passion or Proficiency
Passion and proficiency. Both are important. But what's your priority? What comes first? Some teachers know their content, have great strategies, and work hard every day. And yet they aren't getting the results they hope for. In Future Driven , I wrote about the importance of rekindling passion in an accountability era where proficiency has been prioritized to the detriment of everything else.
20 Ways to Be Future Driven in Your Classroom
Reflection is so important for continued learning and growth. I developed the list below as a tool for educators to reflect on practices that help prepare students for a rapidly changing, complex world. Some of these practices are new. Some are not. Some of them involve technology. Some do not.
Top 10 Continued...
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