Showing posts with label EdTech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EdTech. Show all posts

Sunday, September 4, 2016

10 Signs Twitter PD Might Not Be Your Thing

If you've been on the fence about using Twitter to support your professional learning, this list might help. If you exhibit the following signs, it's probably a good idea to just forget about Twitter.

1. You don't understand Twitter and aren't willing to learn.

2. You don't need any more personal or professional support. You have all the friends you'll ever need.

3. You have perfected your craft. Every kid is learning every day. You have no room for improvement.

4. You've never had a good idea someone else might benefit from.

5. You're not interested in your voice being part of a larger conversation about education.

6. You only collaborate with colleagues in your school because they have cornered the market on how to teach well.

7. You don't have time to do something that could be a game-changer for you and your students.

8. You're afraid you might change your mind about something. You hold onto your beliefs about kids and learning like a security blanket. You wouldn't want that disturbed. What if your flawed assumptions were challenged and didn't hold up under scrutiny? Ouch!

9. You can't believe amazing professional learning could be free and convenient and totally self-directed!?! But it is.

10. You're so passionate about education and kids, you are afraid you will get addicted and have to go to therapy (warning: this could happen).

If this list doesn't describe you, you might be a great candidate to use Twitter to grow your PLN (personal learning network). Twitter may seem a little difficult at first, but it's a great way to challenge your thinking, find new resources, connect with educators across the globe, and consider new ideas that can help your professional practice.

Best of all, it's free and can be done at your convenience, any time of day all from the comfort of wherever you are. There are really no wrong ways to use Twitter for professional learning as long as you feel it's supporting your goals. For me, it's been the most powerful professional learning possible. It's been a game-changer.

Question: Is Twitter your thing? Or are you still on the sidelines? I want to hear from you. Leave a comment below or respond on Facebook...or Twitter. :-)

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Technology Is An Every Day Thing

What are some things you use every day? I bet I can predict with great certainty a few of them. Let's see. I'm guessing you use your toothbrush every day. How about water? Electricity? Hopefully clothes, unless you are appearing on the reality show Naked and AfraidGood grief. What will they think of next? 

Umm...I'm guessing you use a bed every day (or night), probably a car, and you can't forget this next one. It's very important. You probably use a toilet every single day. It's necessary, right?

I'm sure you're amazed right now at my ability to know you so well. It's almost like I know everything about your daily life. You might be a little creeped out. Has that crazy Twitter principal been stalking me? 

But wait, I'm not done yet. There is one more thing I bet you use every day. In fact, I think you might be using it right now. Most of us use one or more of these nearly every singe day. If you are a teenager, you might have confused it with one of your other four limbs.

That's right. You guessed it. It's a connected device. For you teenagers, that doesn't mean it's connected to your body. It could be a mobile phone, a laptop, a Chromebook, an iPad, or one of the many other varieties out there. We like to connect every day.

I'm guessing many of you even use several of these devices during your typical day. You probably have a couple at home, at least one at work, and a smartphone that goes with you everywhere. 

I just ran around our house and did a quick audit. Drum roll please. I counted 29 web connected devices in our home. We need to have a garage sale. Of course, who would buy a Palm Pre smartphone? It was a great device in 2010. Just shows how irrelevant a device can be in just six years. The Palm brand has gone the way of the dinosaurs. Extinct.

So last year was the first year our school was 1:1. Every student had a Chromebook to use for learning every day. One of the reasons our school made this move was because we all use technology in our everyday lives, so why should school be any different?

Before 1:1 came to Bolivar High School, using technology was not necessarily an everyday thing. We had computers in the library, in computer labs, a few scattered around in different classrooms, etc. But there was not consistent access. Some students rarely used a device for learning.

As we made the transition to 1:1, we knew every teacher was in a different place in terms of their comfort and skill with using technology. Of course, we are always striving to increase the comfort and knowledge of our staff. And we like to nudge people out of their comfort zone, too.

But since everyone was in a different place, we didn't set any universal expectations. There weren't any quotas or mandates on how to use the Chromebooks. Every teacher is unique, and the curriculum they teach is unique too. So we didn't expect everyone to use the Chromebooks in the same way, or equally as often.

We simply asked everyone to look for ways the technology could provide value and enhance learning for students. And I believe every single teacher in our building used the Chromebooks to support learning in one way or another. That's a good thing.

But even though all of our teachers were open-minded and supported the need to go digital as a school, some just didn't see the relevance as strongly for their classroom. I'm guessing there were a whole variety of reasons the devices were used or under-used in each classroom.

But consider these questions. Do you have multiple devices in your home? Do you rely on a device daily? Is your ability to connect important to your learning? Do you feel your ability to connect is empowering to you? If you are a digital learner, I'm guessing you answered yes to those questions.

Even if you didn't answer yes to all of the previous questions, consider the following. Do most professionals use devices every day? Are the most successful people connected learners? Is our world becoming increasingly digital? Will more opportunities come to those who are competent digital learners?

It just seems obvious to me that our students will need to be digital learners to be successful in the future. Heck, they need to be digital learners now in order to get the most from their school experience. There are tools and resources available online that far exceed the resources we could provide otherwise.

And almost every school has realized this to some extent. I haven't visited a school yet that isn't using computers or digital learning in some way. 

But technology should be an every day thing. It shouldn't be a special event, a remediation strategy, a canned learning program, or an enrichment activity after the real learning is done. It should be an authentic part of learning. It should empower us, connect us, and give us new opportunities. It should stimulate curiosity, creativity, and help us solve problems.

Technology can be used to support learning, but it can also be used in ways that transform learning. And it is far more likely to be transformational when it is used regularly. It just becomes a normal part of learning and not an add-on or special event.

Now you might be thinking that using technology in every class, every day sounds rigid. And don't we sometimes need a break from tech? Don't we need to unplug occasionally? Aren't students using technology every day anyway? Some students are probably using technology too much, right?

We absolutely need to keep some balance in mind. Too much screen time can be bad for us. We need to unplug from time to time. I took a month-long break personally in July 2015. There are benefits to pausing and stepping away from devices.

But that's not a reason for limiting tech in the classroom when it could be so helpful. I recently learned about the Project Red research study, a large-scale look at practices in 997 schools across the U.S. The report includes seven key findings about the effective use of technology in schools. One of the key findings was related to the importance of daily technology use:

Schools must incorporate technology into daily teaching to realize the benefits. The daily use of technology in core classes correlates highly to the desirable education success measures (ESMs). Daily technology use is a top-five indicator of better discipline, better attendance, and increased college attendance.

The Project Red report shows how powerful technology can be when it is used effectively. There were all sorts of positive outcomes in schools that implemented technology well, including the benefits found from daily use of technology instead of intermittent use.

So I would challenge you to consider how you are using technology in your classroom. Is it an every day thing? Even if your students don't have access to school-issued devices, what can you do to help them develop as digital learners? I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment below or respond on Facebook or TwitterHere we grow!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Seeing Tech Failure as an Opportunity to Learn

A few years ago our school went through a very difficult time with technology. Nothing worked. Nothing. At least that's how everyone felt. I knew it was bad when students were hammering on stone tablets in classrooms!?!

There were several factors that created the problems we experienced, and even though I'm sort of a techie principal, I felt helpless to address all of the issues we faced. Our network was a mess. Computer labs didn't work properly. It was impossible to print anything. Our limited tech support staff was overwhelmed.

Image retrieved:

Thankfully, we are far past those days now. Just this past school year, we made a significant digital conversion by placing Chromebooks in the hands of each of our 800+ students. Although there were a few issues, overall our network is strong and most of the time the Chromebooks worked great. Teachers were singing the Hallelujah Chorus.

And for good reason. 

Technology failure can be one of the most frustrating things a teacher can face in the classroom. It can leave you feeling helpless and embarrassed. In fact, the fear of a technology fail is one of the main reasons teachers are hesitant to try new things with technology. What if it doesn't work? What if something goes wrong? What then?

It doesn't help that in far too many schools, technology is not adequately supported. Computers are old. Networks are slow. Students don't have much access to a device except when a teacher schedules a trip to a computer lab. And just showing a video or having students comment on a blog post can be almost impossible as a result of the blocks and filters that are in place. It seems there can be so many barriers to using tech in the classroom. 

Another reason some teachers don't use technology is they are afraid they will do something wrong. Technology can seem impossible and scary. Some aren't sure if they have the skills to succeed. Or they believe they will mess it up. And when your confidence is wavering and you don't feel successful, it's really hard to take risks and learn more. By the way, educators should always remember some students probably feel this way about learning reading, math, or grammar. But that's a topic for a different blog post.

Instead of seeing technology failure as failing, what if we embraced technology failure as an opportunity to learn? It's great when students see teachers modeling perseverance, flexibility, and problem-solving. All of these qualities can be on full display when something goes wrong with technology in the classroom. It's a great opportunity for the teacher to take on the role of learner. I believe we need more examples of teachers learning right alongside their students.

I mentioned earlier that our Chromebook launch this year was successful. It was definitely not a tech fail. However, I promise you there were more technology failures than ever before in our building, because students and teachers were using technology more than ever before. But what a great opportunity to teach problem-solving and perseverance. I often write about how important it is to be adaptable as a future-ready skill. Being adaptable with technology is extremely valuable in a world where technology is changing so fast and is such an essential part of how things get done.

So how do we handle the inevitable technology failures we are bound to experience? Should we just play it safe and only use technology in ways we feel most confident? Or just copy another stack worksheets instead? Absolutely not. Embrace failure. Expect it. Nothing works right all the time. Don't let problems with tech keep you from using it in your classroom.

If you get frustrated every time you have a problem with technology, you're either going to be frustrated all the time, or you'll just give up. It would be a shame if you didn't use technology because of your personal fears or preferences. It's so important for our students to have experiences using technology as a learning tool. So make up your mind before you start that technology failure is possible and prepare for how you will respond when it doesn't work right. Even though technology itself won't make your class great, it can contribute to a more relevant and effective learning environment. Ultimately, technology is awesome in the classroom where there is also an awesome teacher, like you!

Using Tech Failure as an Opportunity to Learn
Here are 11 tips for dealing with tech failure in your classroom.

1. Plan for it. Don't be surprised when tech fails. Expect it.

2. Think in advance about what could go wrong. This can help prevent some problems in the first place. It's great to test the technology in advance if possible to make sure it works. 

3. Talk with your students up front about how technology sometimes fails. Explain what will happen in your class when something doesn't work. Teach students in advance the mindset you want them to have. Let them know we will find a workaround and press on. It doesn't mean the lesson is over or learning stops.

4. Enlist students to help solve the problem. The smartest person in the room is the room. Alone we may be smart, but together we are brilliant. Your students can be a great resource to help correct a tech fail.

5. Build your own technology skills so you have more knowledge to draw on. Try to overcome your fear of technology. No one really taught me how to use tech. I just click on stuff to figure out what happens. You can do this too.

6. Send for support. You may have a technology coach or technician in your building who can offer a helping hand.

7. Use Google, or YouTube, to search for answers. When I'm faced with a technology problem, I can almost always find a solution online. 

8. Don't allow the limitations of technology in your school keep you from doing what you can. I mentioned how bad technology was for a while in our school. Many of our teachers still found ways to use technology as best they could. We have to do our very best to create an up-to-date classroom even if our tech isn't up-to-date.

9. Model risk-taking and problem-solving for your students. "We're going to try this to see if it works. If that doesn't work, we'll try something else. We're going to figure this out!"

10. Always have a Plan B for your lesson. If the tech doesn't work and troubleshooting doesn't result in a quick fix, it may be time to move forward with the lesson in a different way. Be adaptable. Thank anyone who tried to help fix the problem and then give clear directions about what will happen next.

11. Don't apologize. Usually tech failures just happen and aren't anyone's fault. It's Murphy's Law, right? If it's not your fault, don't apologize to your students for the problem. If you feel you must apologize when you see those sad eyes staring at you, only do it once. And then move forward.

One thing we are doing in our school to help address tech failures is empowering students. We created a student tech team to support all things related to digital learning in our school. They call themselves the SWAT Team (Students Working to Advance Technology). The group was organized last school year, and they've already provided PD to teachers on Chrome apps/extensions, held a tech night for parents to showcase how digital tools are being used in the classroom, and visited our middle school to share about our high school 1:1 program. Our goal is for this group to take on a greater role in sharing Chromebook knowledge and responding to tech failures when they occur.  

Question: What's your worst technology fail? How do you respond when technology fails in your classroom or school? Are you open to taking risks and trying new technology? I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment below or respond on Twitter or Facebook

Thursday, June 23, 2016

7 Reasons To Use Social Media In Your School (INFOGRAPHIC)

One thing is for sure, social media is here to stay. Never before have people been able to connect, share, and learn from one another as we do now. I can only imagine what might be next! As a result, our students need skills to win at life in a digital world. The ability to use social media to support life goals and possibilities can be a game-changer. I know it has been very powerful for me in my professional life.

But one story is truly remarkable. I stumbled across Marc Guberti on Twitter and was immediately interested to learn more about this young man. His bio describes him as an 18-year-old entrepreneur and social media expert. He now has over 290,000 Twitter followers and over 250,000 annual visits to his blog. No doubt he has created a powerful presence online. But he also shared this part of his mission:
"This isn’t just about being successful and having financial flexibility. This is about creating a movement. I want to prove to other teens that it is possible to become successful at a young age. In a world where teens are increasingly going to drugs and drinking as a way to make themselves feel good and student debt keeps on rising, there are resources available that can allow any person of any age to become a leader and create a tribe of people that matter."
While every student may not want to build a social media empire like Marc, everyone wants to be part of a tribe of people that matter. And as educators, we want every student to have the opportunity to reach the maximum of their potential. In today's world, the ability to connect productively with others through social media can increase opportunities for college admissions, job opportunities, entrepreneurship ideas, and more. 

I believe helping students use social media effectively starts with educators and schools modeling the use of social media and inviting students to use social media as part of their education. When students see ways social media can be used for learning and professionally, that is a powerful message. We should also model and discuss the safe and appropriate use of social media to help our students avoid situations that could be damaging to themselves or others.

So here are 7 Reasons To Use Social Media In Your School. Feel free to download the infographic below to print or share as you wish. I hope this information helps your school or team.

1. Engage Parents and Community

Social media is a great way to connect with parents and community. Every classroom and school has a story to tell. Social media allows educators the opportunity to make visible the great things that are happening.

2. Share Student Work

Sharing student work on social media instantly creates an authentic audience. It's possible to share examples of digital products, projects, artwork, writing, and just about anything else.

3. Teach Digital Citizenship

There is so much to know to be a safe, responsible user of social media. We must teach digital citizenship. When we regularly use social media in the classroom, it provides more opportunities for learning about safe and responsible use.

4. Make Global Connections

Give students a sense of learning beyond classroom walls. Social media allows connections across the globe, perhaps with another classroom. These connections help students to see different perspectives and cultures.

5. Prepare Kids for the Future

Social media continues to grow and is now an excellent way to learn, build a professional network, and even get a job. Our students will be better prepared for future opportunities if they have experiences with social media that are for learning and professional reasons.

6. Promote Positive Messages

There are so many negatives on social media. That's one reason some educators have been reluctant to engage. However, schools have an opportunity to lead to create a positive presence and help students create a positive presence. Make the positives so loud it drowns out the negative aspects of social media.

7. Connect with Experts

We don't have to be dependent on textbooks anymore for information. It's possible to connect with experts in every discipline. Classrooms are interacting with authors, scientists, astronauts, activists, and entrepreneurs. These connections are inspiring and authentic.


Monday, June 20, 2016

Making Technology Pay

"Is there really a difference in student performance with technology compared to without technology? My students seem to be doing just fine without it."

I guess that depends on how you define student performance and success. If success is measured only by a test score or by mastery of content, then perhaps students are successful without technology.

"My classes are always engaged and seem to do just fine without technology."

I guess that depends on how you define engaged. I think it's important for students to do things that reflect the world we live in, not the world we grew up in.

"I want to see the proof that technology improves learning before we purchase any new tech."

Whether technology improves learning or not isn't about the technology itself, but how teachers and students use the technology to improve learning. 

I hear many stories about failed technology initiatives in schools. The technology was not used to the fullest, or worse it was not used at all. The narrative is all too familiar. Little was done to gather input or get buy-in from stakeholders up front, and little was done to support the implementation after the fact. How many smartboards in this country are being used as glorified projector screens? Almost always, these types of failures are avoidable with proper planning and ongoing support. 

But is it really worth it to invest thousands for technology in schools. Is it reasonable to provide a connected device to every student? For years, I've asked my graduate students to think about technology purchases in their own schools. Did it really pay off to buy the technology? Did the technology allow something to be done that couldn't be done before? Was the total cost of ownership considered? 

After all, most studies I've encountered don't really support the idea that technology raises student achievement. Of course, student achievement in these studies is usually narrowly defined by test scores. One study I read concluded that technology even widens the achievement gap. It found that more privileged students tend to use the devices more often for learning, while less privileged students tend to use the devices for entertainment. 

In spite of these discouraging reports, I believe we need to look further before concluding that technology isn't worth it. As schools consider spending for new technology, there needs to be a clear vision of what success will look like. We need to really explore why we are doing what we're doing. In addition to the questions mentioned before, I would also suggest the following as food for thought.

1. Can we afford NOT to place up-to-date technology in the hands of our students?

Technology is how things get done in our modern world. We aren't preparing students for the world we grew up in. We aren't even preparing students to be successful in the world they grew up in. Our world is changing so fast, our students are going to have to be prepared for anything. That requires adaptability. And it will certainly also include adaptability with the use of technology. Those skills aren't measured on standardized tests. They are measured in authentic situations where real work is being done. 

2. Is technology being used in ways that give students greater ownership of learning? Does technology result in a shift in agency to the learner?

It's wise to think of technology in terms of value added. How does technology allow us to do something better than before? And, how is it allowing us to do something we couldn't do before? There are many ways tech improves things we do or allows for new things. But some uses of technology take learning to the next level. These uses are game-changers.

I would like to see technology being used to create big shifts in learning. One of the biggest shifts is to create more authentic, student-driven learning experiences. Technology is a game changer when it is used to shift agency to the learner. It's a game-changer when students take greater ownership of their learning.

So let's consider interactive white boards. They have some possibilities for student agency I guess, but they are probably used more often for direct instruction, led by the teacher. That doesn't mean we should stop using these tools altogether, but I do think we should strive for technology to be used in more authentic ways, where students are given voice and choice and are creating and solving problems.

The most powerful potential for a shift in agency is for students to have access to a connected device in a BYOD or 1:1 scenario. But access is not enough. Just like there are lots of interactive white boards being used as glorified projector screens, there are also lots of laptops being used as overpriced word processors.

To use technology to the fullest, we need leaders in our classrooms and schools who can facilitate a pedagogy that creates greater student ownership of learning. How we use the technology is the critical issue that determines whether the investment pays off or not. So whether you invest in iPads or Chromebooks or some other device, the key question to remember is how will this technology improve student learning?

Question: How do you know technology use is successful in your school? Is it worth the cost? I want to hear from you. Leave a comment below or respond on Twitter or Facebook.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

7 Ways Technology Can Transform Learning (INFOGRAPHIC)

In a previous post, I shared some thoughts on technology integration and how tech in the classroom is too often an add-on or extra and not part of an authentic learning experience. In fact, technology is so vital in today's world that it's on par with the school library. It's that important. Your community would never support getting rid of your library. Yet, some schools still don't fully accept technology for learning. Some even ban it from the classroom.

But having technology is not enough. There are millions wasted every year on technology that goes largely unused or is implemented in ways that don't really transform anything. 

Like the teacher I spoke with who had iPads available in her classroom, but hadn't even turned them on. She didn't know what to do with them. It would be easy to criticize her for allowing this to happen. But where was the support to help her know what to do with them? Who was there to work with her to learn about using them?

In most classrooms, the available technology is actually used, but not in ways to really transform learning. At best, it's used as a hook to achieve greater engagement. At worst, it's a canned program that simply delivers content. Neither of these scenarios results in a shift in agency to the learner. It doesn't transform learning. If we want adaptable, self-directed learners, students need opportunities to use technology in authentic, transformational ways.

7 Ways Technology Can Transform Learning

1. Authentic Audience

It's really sad that most work students do in school ultimately ends up in a trash can. The audience for their efforts is usually the teacher and maybe their classmates, but rarely is work shared beyond the school walls. By using digital tools it is possible to share work to a potentially unlimited audience, and it's possible to curate the work so it's available forever. Say goodbye to the trash can finish.

When students work for an authentic audience, it is potentially a game changer. Instead of just completing assignments in a manner that is "good enough" they now want the work to be just plain "good." And how the work is received can provide excellent feedback. An authentic audience multiplies the possibilities for feedback. As any blogger can attest, having an audience changes everything, and really makes you think about your ideas.

2. Creativity

While technology is not necessary to be creative, access can facilitate many new ways to express ideas in original ways. Digital content is easily captured, shared, and combined as an outlet to creative thought. In short, digital tools give rise to more possibilities for creation and innovation.

3. 24/7 Learning

Access to a connected device makes it possible for learning to continue beyond the classroom. Sure I guess that sort of happened before. You took your textbook home to study, right? Well, some people did. But now learners have the sum of human knowledge available on their smartphone, anytime, anywhere. When I need to learn just about anything, one of my top sources is YouTube. It's helped me repair our vacuum and help the kids with algebra homework. It's a shame it's blocked in so many schools. 

4. Global Connections

We learn so much more when we connect and share with others. Now we can connect with anyone in the world with minimal effort. It's possible to learn directly from experts in the field. Classrooms can connect across oceans. Global connections allow us to see diverse perspectives and understand problems with implications beyond the local community.

5. Learner Agency

Technology provides opportunities for individual learning paths. Not everyone has to learn everything in the same time, in the same space, with the same lessons. Students can learn about things that are important to them, in ways that they choose. Technology allows for students to take greater ownership and be more self-directed. Learning is more meaningful when it is personal.

6. Collaboration and Communication

Technology is tranformational when it allows learners to work in teams, share ideas, and collaborate on new projects. Learner can work together and share ideas even when they are apart. Digital tools allow for amazing new ways to connect around sharing ideas and tasks.

7. Curiosity and Inquiry

Technology allows students to pursue answers to their own questions. True understanding doesn't happen by memorizing facts or seeking right answers. Understanding is developed by developing questions, interpreting information, and drawing conclusions. Curiosity taps into a sense of wonder and makes learning come alive. Technology provides access to information and inspiration to magnify curiosity and inquiry.

Question: How will you use technology to transform learning in your classroom or school? I want to hear from you. Leave a comment below or respond on Twitter or Facebook.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Is It Time To Move Past Tech Integration?

What is your school's mindset surrounding technology use in the classroom? If you're like a lot of educators, you are probably working to integrate technology into instruction. You might even be discussing the merits of blended learning. But what does it mean to integrate technology? And what is blended learning?

I think those terms are used similarly and seem to indicate a desire for technology to be used more effectively in schools. A fairly common definition of blended learning is an education method in which a student learns at least in part through delivery of content and instruction via digital and online media with some element of student control over time, place path, or pace. The increased student agency is the most important part of the entire definition to me. 

And yet, I think many schools claim to have blended learning while maintaining a teacher-directed approach. The part about giving some element of student control gets lost in the shuffle as teachers use a variety of 'cool' tools in an effort to add pizzazz to the same old lessons they taught before.

Most teachers feel like they need to use technology in their classroom. They are aware of the "technology push" in schools. Everyone seems to be calling for more technology in schools. In fact, spending on K-12 education technology is nearly $10 billion a year. That's a significant push! But to what aim?

Most teachers (but not all) have come around to the idea that it's important to use technology in the classroom. However, far too many think using a PowerPoint and a projector equates to being a forward thinking teacher. If you ask teachers why technology is important, you will hear a variety of responses. But one common response I hear is that kids are interested in technology, so using technology will help make kids more interested in learning.

There is an element of truth to this. Some kids do seem to prefer learning that involves digital opportunities. Technology can support student engagement. But it can also support student empowerment. And there's a distinct different. A student who is engaged wants to learn something because it's exciting or interesting to them. But a student who is empowered wants to learn something because they find inherent value in the learning for themselves and others. They are choosing to learn because they find meaning in what they are doing. It is more than a fun activity, it's an important pursuit.

If we are using technology to shift agency to the learner it can truly be transformation. By the year 2020 there will be nearly 6 billion smartphones in the world. We all know smartphones continue to get more powerful each year. A connected device gives its owner access to the sum of human knowledge at his or her fingertips. If your students aren't empowered learners, how will they use this access to reach higher in a world that is rapidly changing?

Technology should not be an add-on to learning in the classroom. It shouldn't even be an extension of learning. It's just how we learn in a modern world. One way. Not the only way. But one very important way. I recently heard George Couros speak and he remarked that "if I told you the library in your school is just an extra, and I am going to remove it from your school, you would be outraged. Your community would be outraged. You would never allow that. Technology is just as essential to learning as your school library."

I enjoy gardening. This year I'm trying to raise my game and make my garden the best its ever been. So I worked extra hard to prepare my soil, select my plants, and find out what great gardeners do differently. I think that might be a great title for Todd Whitaker's next book! I talked to friends who are good gardeners, and I regularly conducted research online to answer questions that arose. 

And check this out, I am cutting-edge here...I am integrating a shovel, a hoe, and a water hose into my gardening. I went to a garden conference, learned about some cool tools, and have now decided to integrate these tools into my garden plans. What the heck, you say?!? You would never say that you're going to integrate essential tools like a shovel, a hoe, or a water hose into gardening. They're essential. You just use them.

As I used technology to research my garden, I watched YouTube videos and read various blogs and articles to learn more. And it's funny, never once did I think "I'm now going to integrate some technology into my garden project." I viewed the technology as a helpful tool, a very powerful tool, a potentially transformational tool, to help me be a better gardener. In the same way that my shovel, hoe, and water hose are essential tools to gardening, technology is an essential tool to almost every kind of learning.

At the typical edtech conference, there seem to be a lot of sessions on the what and how of using tech tools in the classroom. Someone will also be sharing the latest version of a cool app, game, or platform. But I contend that we must always start with why. I learned that from Simon Sinek. We must understand why we are using technology in the class and have a clear vision of empowering students as as adaptable learners. They will need these skills in a world where there will soon be 6 billion smartphone users.

Question: Are you integrating technology as an add-on, or is it just an essential part of learning in your school? I want to hear from you. Leave a comment below or share on Twitter or Facebook.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

7 Biggest Surprises of 1-to-1 So Far

Last August we launched into 1-to-1 at Bolivar High School. After years of dreaming and planning we were thrilled to be off and running. We elected to go with HP Chromebooks as our school provided device, but also allowed students the option to use their own device, provided it would run the Chrome browser or be compatible with Google Classroom and Google Apps.

Overall, we have been very pleased with our implementation. There were definitely a few early challenges we had to overcome. And there are some challenges that remain.

1. From our survey data, we learned a majority of parents report that they really don't know exactly how the device is being used for learning. So we have some work to do in this area. I don't think it was for lack of trying though. We held parent meetings leading up to the implementation and have showcased examples of the devices in action through social media and parent newsletters.

As a result of the survey data, our student digital leadership team is planning a Digital Learning Showcase in conjunction with our regular Parent Open House. We are going to have tables set up manned by students who can demonstrate different ways they've used the devices for learning. We'll let parents play Kahoot. And we'll display examples of student work that has been developed using technology. It will be completely student led.

2. It's challenging to get filtering right. Our intent was to filter content at home as well as at school. There proved to be some technical challenges with the original plan our tech department had developed. We ended up choosing Go Guardian as the solution to our home filtering concerns. The only thing we filter at home is adult content.

Filtering at school has also been challenging. Our tech people tell me our current filter is to blame, and we will likely have a new provider next year. It seems we can never be sure what is being filtered from day to day. We wanted to keep YouTube unblocked since so there is so much opportunity for learning there. Of course, there is also plenty of material that isn't right for school, or maybe for anywhere. 

Most social media is unblocked at school. Exceptions are Facebook, Snapchat, and a few others. Again, social media has become much more than a tool for social. It is quickly becoming a major source of business, networking, marketing, and learning and sharing. Maybe we should consider unblocking Facebook too? The decision to keep it blocked was made on the belief that it had fewer benefits to learning than some of the others.

3. Teachers can help lead professional development. Our training plan wasn't nearly as comprehensive as some others. We didn't want to treat everyone as if they were in the same place in their learning. We wanted it to be more customized. Our philosophy is that professional learning is 51% the responsibility of the individual. The school is there to support and create conditions for adult learning as a partner for the other 49%.

So most of our PD was done through sharing with each other and by sharing resources. We did provide teachers with a Chromebook a full semester in advance of our launch to help give them a head start. We held a few Tech Cafe meetings, where teachers met together to learn and share. And, we provided a few lessons online that teachers could work through on their own.

Once a month, we have a group of teachers lead learning for the rest of the faculty by sharing ways they have used digital tools to support learning. The teachers are deciding which tools and practices to share and then leading the staff through some related learning. So basically we asked teachers to own this piece and help other teachers get the information they need to grow.

4. Digital distractions are a concern for teachers. Nearly 60% of our teachers indicated that students were constantly distracted from academic work by the Chromebook. But only 7% of students we surveyed admitted that the Chromebook is a regular distraction. The discrepancy in the perceptions of our students and teachers raises several questions. Do students not think they are distracted but they really are? Is there a difference between what students and teachers consider distracted? Are students in complete denial? Are teachers hyper-sensitive to student multi-tasking?

I'm not sure about the answers to these questions. It calls for further exploration. However, I do think fears about distractions can be magnified by educators. There have always been distractions in the classroom. Students don't need a device for this to be an issue. When I see students slumped over in desks, with their eyes heavy and nearly lifeless, I see a distracted learner in that situation too. Daydreaming. Passing notes. Reading a book. There are lots of ways students have been distracted now and in years past, even without devices.

I think the key to the distraction problem is to create a more relevant, engaging learning environment, one where students are actively learning and not just passively consuming information. I detail a vision for this type of learning environment is a recent post, 9 Ways to Make Learning Irresistible. We will continue to have conversations about this and find ways we can support students and teachers. Dealing with distractions in our connected world is something most everyone faces.

5. There were some early logistical issues we had to work through. Nearly 90% of our students are taking the Chromebook home daily. The others check the Chromebook in and out in our library at the beginning and end of the day. At first, this process was a little crazy. But we now have a few student workers who completely manage the check-in and check-out routine every day. It took some time for us to work out some of the details. As well planned as we were, the devil is always in the details. How do we collect the device when a student moves away? How do we track damage? How do we track loaners? Collect payments? There were a few bumps along the way, but most of these systems are working well now.

Everyone has use of a Chromebook during the school day, but we require students to pay a $25 insurance fee to take the Chromebook home. We wrestled with this issue quite a bit. On the one hand, we don't want students to miss out on access because of lack of financial resources, but on the other hand, we felt there would be greater personal ownership if there was an upfront investment. We tried to make that cost reasonable.

6. We need a more concerted effort around digital citizenship. We did a few things early on to communicate expectations to students. We had some lessons on Google Classroom. We had a guest speaker provide assemblies related to cyber safety. And of course, we have an acceptable use policy. But I still think we need to do more. 

Our teachers are great about using teachable moments to share wisdom about online use. And digital citizenship is part of the curriculum in a couple of courses. But I would like to see us develop a more comprehensive approach that is really embedded in our culture. We've talked about having a system where students can earn greater access, to social media for instance, by completing certain activities and demonstrating positive leadership in this area.

7. And one of our best surprises is that damage to the devices is less than we expected. That's a real credit to our students. They have done a great job taking care of the Chromebooks. Mostly, we've had some broken screens, a few devices that were lost or stolen, and some hardware failures covered by warranty. But overall, we are doing very well in this area. We were able to add 800 devices in our building without adding any additional staff. I don't think that would be possible with any device other than a Chromebook.

There are a lot of moving parts to make a successful 1-to-1 program. Beyond the logistical concerns, the biggest shift has to be in how we teach and learn. Most every teacher in our building has taken steps to use the technology to benefit learning. But we definitely still have room to grow. We didn't mandate how the devices were to be used. Instead, we worked to develop a framework of why technology can be so powerful in shifting agency for learning to the learner. 

I can't say enough about how our technology department has supported this effort. They really make all of the details work so we can focus on the teaching and learning aspects. If they weren't so committed to this project, there is no way we would be where we are today.

Question: What are challenges you see with 1-to-1? What is your best advice for a school considering going 1-to-1? What questions do you have? I would love to hear from you. Leave a comment below or respond on Twitter or Facebook.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

17 Powerful Leadership Thoughts from #METC16

I was thrilled to attend my first METC (Midwest Education Technology Community) conference, and it was a great experience. We took a team of six from our school, and I think everyone felt it was very beneficial. We really enjoyed sharing what we learned in the different sessions and dreaming about new possibilities for our students and school. Now it's time to take action!

Although the conference had incredible information on a variety of digital tools, the ideas on leadership and change were outstanding. As principal, it's very important to me that we provide the leadership and support to see technology efforts thrive, and ultimately to have the best learning environment for students. Here are 17 ideas I can take with me from this conference. 

1. If students leave school less creative or curious than when they came, we have failed them. -George Couros

Creativity and the desire to learn should be top priorities as outcomes for schooling. And yet, those aspects of learning have not been emphasized in most cases. Student achievement on standards has taken priority over developing passionate learners.

2. Technology in the hands of an innovative teacher is transformational. 

Technology is not optional. Students are going to need to use tech in creative and powerful ways to create the greatest value now and in the future. But technology alone is not enough. Teachers must use their professional skills to use technology to increase learning.

3. Isolation is the enemy of improvement. Sharing is learning.

One of the best ways for new ideas to emerge and then spread is by teachers sharing with each other. The best voice for change is a teacher for whom a change or idea is working for them.

4. Help students be problem finders.

Take problem solving a step further. Let your students have experience identifying problems themselves. When students identify problems, they will have greater investment in finding solutions.

5. Innovation starts and ends with empathy.

Students will be better at finding problems when they start with empathy. When they understand how someone is suffering or how something isn't workingwhen they really feel the needthen they will begin to innovate and use their talents to find ways to make the world better.

6. If you want to be a master teacher, you need to be a master learner. -George Couros

It's time for all teachers to take charge of their own professional development. Professional learning shouldn't be the obligation of the school. Every teacher should try to improve themselves for the good of their students. They should model the type of learning they want from their students.

7. Stop talking about kids as leaders of tomorrow. Our students can be amazing leaders right now.

Even the words "student" and "school" have become associated with hints of passiveness and boredom. We need learners in real situations, demonstrating real opportunities for leadership. Get students into the community. Ask them to make change happen and make the world better now.

8. Learning is messy. Change leadership mirrors this also.

Leaders shouldn't try to control every aspect of learning or change. If we create supportive conditions that value risk-taking and new ideas, learning and change will thrive.

9. Leaders help support what others want to do, not what the leader is pressuring them to do.

I think this is a big statement. Pressure is not an effective strategy. Let's get behind the hopes and dreams of teachers who are doing the work, and help them reach their goals.

10. Start with strengths and build from there.

Is data-driven really code for deficit-driven? No one is inspired by having the weaknesses pointed out. The leaders who inspired us the most, saw our strengths and made us feel 10 feet tall, and then they challenged us to get even better.

11. Make decisions based on the end users (students), not the providers (admin, teachers).

Let's remember that our purpose is helping students reach their dreams. And then let's make decisions that support those dreams. Too many decisions are made based on a narrow view of education and the convenience and comfort of administrators and teachers.

12. If you truly want to empower people, give them power. -Rafranz Davis

It's not enough to talk about empowering others. If people don't have the opportunities of choice and voice, it's going to inhibit change.

13. Don't point out problems unless you are willing to offer solutions or seek answers.

Pointing out problems without being a problem-solver is just blaming and complaining. 

14. Trust and relationships are crucial to learning and change.

Relationships, relationships, relationships. It's worth repeating. We must make people our priority. Only when we value people will we see progress. The trust that is established in healthy relationships provides the foundation and safety for giving yourself to a cause.

15. Access is agency.

Access and opportunity go hand-in-hand. When students have access to a connected device, they have the opportunity to make a positive difference, both for themselves and those around them. But, it's a choice. Access provides the opportunity. It doesn't guarantee every student will make great choices, but there is opportunity for learning in that too.

16. Content can change over time but the ability to learn is forever. -George Couros

Maybe learning how to learn should be the greatest desired outcome of schooling?

17. If you aren't facilitating a digitally literate classroom, you are becoming irrelevant.

So much of the way the world gets things done is through digital means. If you aren't embracing this fact in your classroom, you are quickly becoming irrelevant. Our students need to see how technology can help them make an impact in the world. And they need you to model it for them. Be a connected educator.

These ideas represent my notes and takeaways from the conference. Thanks to George Couros, Rafranz Davis, and other presenters for making it a great learning experience.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tech Geek or Teaching Geek?

I think it was during a Twitter chat I first made the comment that you don't have to be a tech geek to use technology effectively to support learning in your classroom. I later polished the wording a bit and asserted that "Classrooms don't need tech geeks who can teach, we need teaching geeks who can use tech." Several thought-leaders on Twitter have also shared the quote, like most recently @ToddWhitaker.
The message seemed to resonate with educators. But I also received some push back. What's wrong with being a tech-geek? Can we not aim for both? In the end, are the results any different? It seems there is plenty to discuss regarding approaches of using technology to support learning. So I wanted to address these issues and clarify the thinking behind the quote.

Why teaching geeks?

1. It's more important to get the instructional design right and develop engaging, highly effective learning experiences, with or without tech. Unless the central aim of your curriculum is technology, the tech should support the learning and not the other way around. It's not good practice to find a nifty tech tool and then contrive some way to get it into your lesson, just to wow or impress. That would be akin to using technology like a cool party trick. Not exactly the professional practice that will develop consistent and quality learning for students.

2. Teaching geeks are concerned with more than technology. A teaching geek will do everything possible to increase learning and help all students be successful. They love to learn about teaching, talk about teaching, join with other passionate educators on Twitter, and just be geeky about all things related to their profession. Most of all, they are passionate about student learning. I love to attend EdCamps because the teaching geeks are drawn to these events. Geeks go to Comic-Con. Tech geeks go to CES. Teaching geeks go to EdCamps!

3. You don't have to be a technology genius to use tech in the classroom. Many teachers think they can't use technology to support learning because it's not a strength for them. But even if it's not a strength, every teacher can take small steps to utilize technology for learning. Pick just one digital tool that has the potential to enhance your lessons and learn more about it. Our school is in the first year of 1:1 with Chromebooks, so a tool that nearly all of our teachers wanted to learn is Google Classroom. It was a good place to start because it serves as a hub for classroom stuff and allows for increased sharing and collaboration.

4. Don't wait, start somewhere. For teachers who lack confidence with technology, it's easy to avoid taking steps to learn new ways to use technology. And this is exactly what we don't want our students to do, to shrink back in the face of something that doesn't come easily. I'm very proud of teachers in our building who have stepped out of their comfort zone to learn new methods with technology even though it's not their strongest area. It models the type of growth mindset we want to encourage in students.

5. Turn the technology over to your students. Even if you don't know all the ins and outs of using technology, many of your students do. If you give students choice about how to use technology to support their learning, you can incorporate tech even though you aren't the source of all the tech knowledge. It's actually a great thing when students and teachers can learn from each other.

6. So you're a tech geek? That's great. It can actually be very beneficial to your teaching if you couple your knowledge of technology with an array of other tools that are important to effectiveness in the classroom. How do you build relationships, set expectations, empower learning, and support diverse needs? There are so many factors that contribute to an effective classroom. Technology alone won't result in an excellent classroom experience. But if you can leverage your knowledge of technology to support all the other components of an outstanding classroom, you're a top draft pick for sure!

7. If you are one of the distinguished educators who are both tech geek and teaching geek, you have an obligation to share your knowledge with others. We all want to learn from you.

Question: What makes you a teaching geek or a tech geek? Respond on Twitter or Facebook.