Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Popular Posts Everyone's Reading #ICYMI

In case you missed it (#ICYMI), here are a few recent articles that were most popular with my readers. The top post lists several things educators should try to communicate to students as often as possible. In the next post, I give some advice that I actually think teachers should ignore. Some of these may surprise you.

One of the posts I enjoyed the most highlighted the differences between excellence and success. Is your school successful, excellent, or both? Next up was a list of reasons educators should embrace change. And then I considered what teachers really want from principals. How is trust built?

Our school has really been focused on reading of late. I shared several ways to promote reading no matter what you teach. Listed next is a post listing some of my favorite blog posts and bloggers from 2015. Finally, I reflect on creating a student centered classroom where student voices are valued and heard.

I hope you see something here that catches your eye and might prove helpful to you. If you like something, give me some feedback by leaving a comment or sharing the post on Twitter or Facebook.

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