Thursday, February 26, 2015

20 ideas to make it more about learning and less about the grade

In a compliance driven culture, students are not likely to pursue learning for intrinsic reasons. They have learned to expect compensation for every learning activity they do. It's evident by the questions they ask, "Do we get a grade on this?" Or, "How many points is this worth?" But if we truly desire to help students take greater ownership in learning, we need to develop ideas for motivating students that rely on intrinsic motivation. In the typical school, learning has become a passive experience for the most part. Students expect to be told exactly what to do and when to do it. And, they expect to be compensated with a grade for doing work, even if the work doesn't reveal their learning or is of poor quality.

I've created a list of ideas that can be useful for motivating students beyond grades. These ideas naturally generate interest or curiosity for many students. They are inherently engaging. No grade required. Some of these ideas are simple to implement while others require significant development to be effective. This list is just a starting point. As teachers plan for instruction, it's important to consider how each idea will support learning and generate greater engagement.

It's also important to realize that using a high-interest idea doesn't guarantee learning. Students may be enjoying themselves, but they will need support from the teacher to ensure that the learning goals are being met. I believe this happens from feedback the teacher provides throughout the learning process. The best learning experiences are designed for high engagement and high impact. Teachers are constantly keeping a pulse of learning and making adjustments to help students succeed.

All of these ideas must be used within a framework of solid relationships. Build a relationship with your students and then use your influence to engage them in learning. Students will want to partner with you in learning if they feel you truly care about them.

1. Choices. People are motivated by a sense of autonomy. We can't give unlimited autonomy to students, but we can provide the next best thing—choices. Students feel a greater sense of control over their learning when they have some input into how the learning goes.

2. Passions. Find students' passions and then use those interests to generate learning experiences. If students are passionate about something, the grade won't be the driver as they will simply pursue the learning.

3. Student Voice. Most students like to share ideas with one another and communicate about what they are learning. Make learning social and students will become more engaged in the process.

4. Technology. I like to see technology used when it can enhance a lesson. If students are motivated by the opportunity to use the technology, then that is one way the lesson can be enhanced.

5. Movement. Students need to move around during the school day to stay alert and active. When teachers build movement into lessons, that can help students focus more and engage for longer time periods. Get students on their feet and out of their seats.

6. Music. Where would the world be without music? It's a powerful force and can be used in the classroom to enhance learning.

7. Solve Real problems. When students feel like they are solving a real problem, it's easier to see the relevance of learning. It's immediate and the learning is driven by something authentic.

8. Drama. Bring the power of acting and performance to your lesson plan. Throw caution to the wind and develop some crazy accents or wear a costume. You will have their attention!

9.  Film/Video. Videos clips can be used to generate interest or provide information in an accessible way. But it's even more powerful when student directed. Videos can be used by students to showcase what they've learned.  

10. Be creative. Give students opportunities to be creative as they learn your subject. Reward ideas that feature originality or artistic elements.

11. Tell stories. Be a storyteller in the classroom and find ways to use stories to help students connect to material.

12. Get out of the classroom. Take students to a different part of the building or go outside. Move outside the walls of the classroom to keep learning fresh and avoid monotony.

13. Make it a game. Use games to learn the content. Or turn you class into a simulated game with badges, levels, and other gaming principles. This type of approach is referred to as gamification.

14. Have a debate. Debates require students to make a claim and support it with evidence. They have to listen carefully and think quickly. It's a great learning tool

15. Provide real audiences. Have students create a learning artifact that will be presented to an audience outside of the classroom. The audience could be other students in the school, staff members, a panel of guests, or something online that potentially has an unlimited audience.

16. Humor. If you can incorporate humor into your lesson, students will be more interested. I had an amazing psychology professor who told a joke before every class. He often tied the humor into the content for the course.

17. Make stuff. The maker movement is all about engaging students as designers and builders. There are many inexpensive ways to bring making into the curriculum in ways that will support learning goals.

18. Social media. Students love to use social media. Why not use it for learning? Students can use Twitter, Facebook, or blogs to share ideas in all sorts of ways.

19. Food. Incorporating food can be very motivating and can relate to a variety of topics. Of course, this one can be a little tricky since school wellness policies may limit such activity.

20. Experiment. Inquiry is a great way to increase student engagement and stimulate critical thinking. Students develop a hypothesis, design an experiment, collect the data, and interpret the results. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

What breaks your heart as an educator?

If you are truly passionate about your profession, there are undoubtedly things that break your heart as an educator. I'm not referring to your frustrations with long hours, low pay, or unnecessary paperwork or these types of challenges. These things are important, and can really make it tough to stay positive, but these aren't the things that are truly heartbreaking. The things that really break my heart have a purpose beyond self-interest.

Most educators entered the profession because they wanted to make a difference for students. They were filled with hope and passion and the belief that they could change something for the kids they taught. Even if these young educators were idealistic as they entered the classroom, I cannot help but admire this youthful zeal.

As the years wear on, it's easy to become a little jaded and forget some of the reasons we took this path. The constant external pressures coupled with the complex social problems we encounter can easily overwhelm us and cause us to retreat to simply implementing lessons. But when we lose our way on the larger mission, we miss great opportunities for change.

So I've been thinking about what truly breaks my heart. What are the injustices in my school or community that I can impact? I challenge you to reflect on that question and then consider what you can do to change the way things are. You can be a difference maker.

Are any of these realities heartbreaking for you?

1. Many students don't have someone at home who cares about them and cares about learning. Maybe you can be the mentor this student needs. Even if they aren't loved at home, maybe you can show them love at school.

2. Students who don't enjoy learning. It's a shame how many students have lost the desire to learn. Some of this is related to #1, but how can you create a classroom that rekindles the curiosity and interest that motivates students to want to learn?

3. Students are living in poverty with basic needs unmet. Teachers are often heroes for these students. Helping them find resources. Making sure they get something to eat. How can you be a champion for an impoverished student?

4. Too many students feel like they are failures at doing school. Instead of reinforcing the failure messages these students often receive, maybe you can be the person who discovers and celebrates their strengths.

5. Our system is obsessed with high-stakes standardized testing. Can you make your class more about learning and less about testing? I realize the performance pressures are enormous on teachers, but if the testing culture breaks your heart, what are you doing about it?

These are just a few examples of things I believe are heartbreaking for teachers. There are many, many more. Bullying, discrimination, lack of resources or opportunities are a few other biggies. But I believe we can make a difference. If each person recognizes what breaks his or her heart, and then works to bring greater justice and opportunity, that can start a chain reaction.

Most of the examples I listed before can be addressed, at least in part, right in the classroom. But I would also challenge educators to think beyond the classroom. What can I do to make our school a better place? How can I influence and cause change even beyond my school?

Whatever it is that breaks your heart, don't stop feeling passionate about it. Make it part of your work as an educator. Don't shoulder too much and forget to take care of yourself or the people closest to you. But keep a larger mission in mind. The work we do that arises from our soul is what helps us feel the sense of purpose and the desire to meet the challenges ahead of us.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

When students act out, don't ask 'why' (the reason may surprise you)

While doing some reading recently, an idea really caught my attention in a practical way for dealing with harmful student behaviors. In the past I've often asked students why they did what they did in a particular situation. Why did you say that to the teacher? Why did you act in a way that was not kind? Why did you cheat? Why were you disrespectful? Whatever the particular situation, one of my first instincts is to ask the student to explain why they did what they did.

And it's no wonder I'm inclined to ask this question. It is our natural line of thinking. We are taught from childhood to use justification and judgment to explain away our bad behavior. Not a good thing. In fact, it's one of the most common ways people avoid personal responsibility.

So when we ask 'why', aren't we really asking for justification of a bad behavior? Does it really matter why we did it? The last thing I want to do is reinforce the belief that if you have a good enough reason it is okay to act in a way that is harmful to others. Unfortunately, this belief is pervasive in our culture, but it is a belief that causes more pain and damages more relationships.

Instead of asking why, try this approach instead. Simply ask the student what happened? And then, instead of asking why, ask what they might have done differently, "What do you think you should have done?" Keep the focus on their behavior and not the underlying motivations. As soon as a person feels judged for their motives, they will feel rejected and look to shift the blame. When we focus on what happened and how it had an impact on others, we encourage full responsibility.

If we truly want our students to grow and learn from their mistakes, we need to keep the focus on the choices they make and how decisions impact self and others.

These ideas are drawn from How to Stop the Pain by James B. Richards. Thanks to @RobbyHoegh for recommending the book. It is a fantastic read with Biblical principles on the harm of judging others, and the harm of giving power to the judgments of others in our lives. It's filled with wisdom for developing healthy mindsets and loving relationships.